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Image credit: Airbnb

Airbnb’s Brand-First Approach

Airbnb underwent a strategic shift from performance marketing to brand-centric campaigns. The pandemic severely impacted the travel industry, causing Airbnb to lose about 80% of its business. This prompted the company to reimagine itself, emphasizing the importance of branding and design. Airbnb’s new approach involved investing in product development to highlight unique features and differentiate …

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Image Credit: Wise

Wise Rebrands for Accessibility

FinTech Company Wise has rebranded to focus on accessibility and global resonance, collaborating with Ragged Edge to create a new green colour palette, bespoke typeface, and “graphic tapestries” for a cohesive brand identity. The motion principles were designed to be fluid across products and communications, and every design decision exceeded accessibility standards. The emphasis on …

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Image credit: Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola refreshes global brand platform

Coca-Cola unveils a new global brand philosophy and platform called ‘Real Magic’, inviting everyone to celebrate the real magic of humanity. The platform refreshes the brand’s promise: ‘to unite and uplift people every day’, which redefines the way the company communicates, with renewed relevance for the world we live in today. The brand also introduced …

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